SHARE YOUR STORY WITH ME, I’d love to feature people’s stories on this page to build community.

After finding out the definition of Medical Gaslighting, I realized that I have been a victim of it and have been for over 10 years. "Its all in your head, we will order a psych eval" "No, order me an MRI. "I can't tell you how many times this conversation re-played-and, with multiple Dr.s too.

For those in the chronic illness community, the sheer number of patients who are told their symptoms are “just” anxiety won’t be a surprise. For those of you who haven't had to deal with it- I hope you never have to. It is traumatic not to be believed you're in your pain, It leads to a distrust of doctors, often this prevents patients from seeking help for further health issues

That delay then of course delays appropriate treatment. It leaves the patient in pain, or with other symptoms longer than necessary. It may mean that their health spirals into greater issues, potentially in an irreversible way. Don't let anyone second guess your intuition or make you believe that your symptoms are in your head. Get a 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th as many opinions, as you need until you get a Dr. who actually listens to what you're saying and doesn't belittle you just because you don't have a Doctorates or meet a popular statistic.

Early diagnosis is key to increased survival rate especially with Cancer. Trusting my Intuition-despite what several Dr.s told me, saved my life- and I want as many other people as I can possibly reach to do the same.

Time is of the essence and it this that The-intuition-Mission is here to promote.

In our lives, the journey toward understanding and nurturing our health is profoundly personal yet universally shared. It's a path that demands courage, especially in the face of medical gaslighting, where our concerns and symptoms are dismissed, and our voices are silenced. This dismissal not only deepens the wounds of isolation but also undermines the trust we place in those meant to heal us. Recognizing this, I felt a calling to advocate for self-health, to empower individuals to trust their intuition, and to affirm that if something feels off, it likely is. It was for me, and listening to my intuition saved my life.

The creation of the Intuition Sanctuary was born from a desire to mend these very gaps—to provide a space where voices are heard, experiences are validated, and the journey to health is a shared endeavor. Here, we stand united in the belief that our personal insights and bodily intuition serve as powerful guides. The Sanctuary is not just a community; it's a movement towards embracing our health narratives with the support and understanding of those who truly get it. It's about transforming our collective struggles into sources of strength, enabling us to reclaim the narrative of our health journey.

As the Intuition Sanctuary flourishes, it becomes a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the power of community support. Each story shared, each piece of advice exchanged, and every moment of empathy extended within the Sanctuary weaves a stronger, more inclusive tapestry of health advocacy. This is a place where the whispers of doubt are drowned out by the chorus of collective intuition, affirming that you are not alone in your journey. Together, we navigate the complexities of health, wellness, and healing, fostering a future where every individual feels empowered to trust their intuition and advocate for their health. Welcome to the Intuition Sanctuary, where your voice matters, your experience is validated, and your health journey is supported with unwavering empathy and understanding.